The old me, would refer to the new me as a Backslider.

Backslider is a term used by Evangelical Christians for people who have left the church, or have fallen away.

One day it hit me, that’s what I would have called myself back in my Church days. It was a sobering realization.

Leaving was a challenging, confusing and lonely time for me. And I wanted to make something to honour my time growing up in Church, as well as my leaving.

I had been looking for an opportunity to do my version of a Zine, and this was the perfect fit.

The Creatives that Saved Me

In the zine there is a section called The Creatives That Saved Me.  It’s a little piece I wrote to say thank you to all the creatives who inspired me, and made me feel less alone in my Christian years.  Their words, shared doubts, anger and broken humanity were my antidote from the too straight and too narrow. 

This playlist includes those artists and a few others.

Buy a physical copy

Nothing feels like holding physical media in your hands. I love the feeling of opening a new record and looking through the lyrics and the art. I wanted to make something that felt the same.


Here’s a blog about the Zine as part of my creative expression and why I had to make this one.