this is my conviction

growing up religious, we talked a lot about conviction - there is something very powerful about a religious conviction, it makes people do inspired, sometimes crazy, often times stupid and once in a while, incredible things.

this conviction followed me, when I left the fold - latching itself on to creativity. my own, and in other people who have decided to live life in this way.

i hope i pass this conviction on to my kids - i have 4 of them and they’re just getting old enough for me to have a life again.

conviction is why i host the creative people podcast - i want to connect with creatives from all different walks of life - rebuild a new community and be less frustrated with my own creativity.

my convictions are the fuel for my zines - why i had to make backslider and why I make anything at all.

conviction for creativity, for people and the things we make - things that lift the soul, inspire or just release a little dopamine.

if you feel this conviction too - connect with me.


Show up, do the work - do something crazy, stupid or incredible.

- Ryan Leacock